Mont-Mégantic Popular Astronomy Festival

Mont-Mégantic Popular Astronomy Festival
The Mont-Mégantic Popular Astronomy Festival is a captivating event (led by Sépaq staff at ASTROlab) that brings together members of the public, astronomy enthusiasts, and experts alike to celebrate the wonders of the night sky through engaging presentations and observatory tours. Credit: ASTROlab; Sébastien Giguère

A Captivating Celebration of Astronomy

The Mont-Mégantic Popular Astronomy Festival, in collaboration with the Sépaq, the CRAQ, and the Mont-Mégantic ASTROLab, is a captivating celebration of astronomy, nature, and education. This collaborative event brings together experts, enthusiasts, and the public to immerse themselves in the wonders of the cosmos and the beauty of the Mont-Mégantic National Park. Through engaging workshops, stargazing sessions, and educational activities, the Festival fosters a unique blend of science and natural exploration.

The Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic sees many members of the public every year during it’s open doors tour events organized by ASTROlab. Credit: Rémi Boucher

Visitors have the opportunity to interact with cutting-edge astronomical instruments, gain insights from experts, and forge a deeper connection with the night sky. The Festival is an exceptional platform where science, nature, and community converge to inspire and enrich our understanding of the Universe. It is also the only time members of the public can look through the eyepiece of the OMM’s 1.6-metre telescope!

2023 Edition  (July 6-7-8)

The theme of the 2023 edition of the Festival is “Eclipses”.

APRIL 8, 2024. It is the greatest and rarest of all natural spectacles. It surprises everyone who sees it. It is an event that seems to defy the laws of nature: a total eclipse of the Sun! This extremely rare cosmic alignment occurs on average only every 375 years in a given place, and the south of the province will have the chance to live one in less than a year! On April 8, 2024, the astronomical event of the century will take place in Quebec. Discover with us this impressive celestial phenomenon, and how to prepare to observe it!

Public Talks Schedule

  • July 6: “Le chasseur d’exoplanètes NIRPS” by Frédérique Baron, Instrumentation Project Manager at the OMM.
  • July 7: “La vie et la mort des étoiles massives” by Marianne Ruest, M.Sc. student at the Université Laval.
  • July 8: “Le télescope spatial James Webb: rétrospective d’une année fantastique!” by Nathalie Nguyen-Quoc Ouellette, OMM Deputy Director.

For more information, check out the ASTROLab website.