An astronomer performs maintenance on the telescope in preparation for observations with SpIOMM.
Technical Specifications
Instrument Name Spectromètre Imageur de l'Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic
Acronym SpIOMM
First Light 2005
Wavelength Range 350 - 850 nanometers (visible)
Instrument Type Imaging spectrograph
Status Operational at the Mont-Mégantic Observatory

SpIOMM (Spectromètre Imageur de l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic) is an imaging Fourier transform spectrometer designed to capture the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum (350 to 850 nm) of all astronomical light sources within a circular field of view spanning 12 arcminutes in diameter. SpIOMM was developed through a collaboration between the Université Laval and industry (ABB Bomem). SpIOMM’s prowess lies in mapping emission line objects across an extensive field of view and a wide spectral range. Scientific studies with SpIOMM have observed planetary nebulae, supernova remnants, and distant galaxies.

The success of SPIOMM led to the creation of a comparable instrument, named SITELLE, designated for deployment on the 3.6-metre Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.