Pictured here is the installation of one of the temperature probes on the camera for SPIP, a twin instrument to SPIRou. Credit: S.Chastanet – CNRS/OMP
Technical Specifications |
Instrument Name | SPIROU au Pic du midi |
Acronym | SPIP |
First Light | TBD |
Wavelength Regime | 1 - 2.4 microns |
Instrument Type | Spectropolarimeter |
Status | Delivered to the observing facility |
“SPIROU at Pic du Midi” (SPIP) is an infrared spectropolarimeter (1-2.4µm) specialising in the study of exoplanets orbiting in the habitable zone around young, low-mass stars.
SPIP, like its big brother SPIRou at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, will study the birth of planetary systems and the crucial importance of magnetic fields in the formation process of baby stars and planets. SPIP will be installed at the “Pic du Midi” Observatory in the French Pyrenese mountain range.