The Delivery of SPIRou’s IR Detector

The Delivery of SPIRou’s IR Detector
Fixation of the H2RG by Philippe Vallée. ©S. Chastanet – CNRS/OMP

The OMM has just delivered the H2RG test detector for the SPIRou instrument currently being integrated in Toulouse.

Following delivery of the camera last month, the H2RG infrared (IR) detector was successfully installed by the OMM team from the experimental astrophysics laboratory at the Université de Montréal (Philippe Vallée, Étienne Artigau, Mathieu Ouellet, René Doyon and Olivier Hernandez).

Installation du H2RG par Philippe Vallée sur la camera de SPIRou ©Z.Challita – IRAP/OMP

Installation of the H2RG by Philippe Vallée on the SPIRou camera. ©Z.Challita – IRAP/OMP

The H2RG test detector will be used to validate the instrument at IRAP’s Toulouse facility. Once testing is complete, the instrument will be shipped to the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. In the meantime, the OMM team will be busy testing and characterizing the brand-new H4RG detector, whose surface area is 4 times larger than that of the H2RG, and which will be SPIRou’s final detector.

Philippe Vallée fini la vérification électrique des connecteurs. ©S. Chastanet – CNRS/OMP

Philippe Vallée completes the electric verification of the connectors. ©S. Chastanet – CNRS/OMP

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